Sisma mysint 100

The mysint 100 printer from the Italian manufacturer Sisma is a commercially available powder bed selective laser melting (SLM) machine. 

Compared to the Concept Laser m2 cusing machine, the Sisma mysint 100 is a smaller machine, It has a tilting powder coater that allows a reduction of the re-coating time of the powder layers. The mysint 100 is suitable for the additive manufacture of parts made from precious and non precious metal powders.
Key specification data

Laser Parameters

  • 200 W 1070 nm Nd:YAG Continuous wavelength fiber laser
  • 55 micron spot size

Build Volume

  • 100 mm dia. circular build plate
  • Reduced 33.5 dia. circular build plate
  • 60 mm nominal build height , 80 mm maximum build height


  • Argon atmosphere
  • 100 ppm O2 level
  • Glove box add on for reactive metals


  • Suitable for reactive and precious metals

  • Print