
Equipment Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing

  • ICP synthesis setup
  • High-energy milling: PM400 planetary ball-mill (Retsch)
  • VPS/APS: Medicoat 50 kW with powder feeder (F-4 & V21 nozzle)
  • Glove-box with regeneration unit (Jacomex)
  • Powder sieve shaker (Retsch AS 200?)
  • Powder mixing (Turbula, WAB AG Machinenfabrik)
  • Particle size distribution analysis: Powdershape (image analysis)
  • Laboratory scale microwave applicators, portable micro-wave furnaces for in situ synchrotron radiation experiments
  • Microwave furnace (Fricke & Mallah)
  • Pilot semi-industrial scale microwave oven (Püschner)
  • IR spectrometer (Bruker)
  • IR thermometry (Raytek)
  • Vacuum/inert gas conventional furnace (Carbolite)
  • Laboratory Electro Hydrolic Press (Enerpac 700bar)
  • Hot-pressing, hot-extrusion
  • Spark plasma sintering (in collaboration)
  • High speed camera (Motion Pro Y4S3, Videal)
  • Optical Emission spectrometer (Ocean Optics, HR2000)
  • Oscilloscope 1 GHz, 12-bit, 4ch HDO6k (HDO6104, LeCroy)
  • Laboratory for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) (fabrication and interrogation)
  • 1 complete acoustic emission system from Vallen Systeme GmbH with various acoustic sensors, including hydrophone

Metallography / Samples preparation

  • 4 polishing machines
  • 3 cutting machines (Discotom 2 and Accutom 5)
  • 7 furnaces (Temp. 0 - 250ºC and 0 – 1500ºC)
  • 1 polycut (Reichert Jung), lab. for material etching.
  • Special machine for sample preparation 
  • Coating (Balzers BAE 250)
  • Ion-milling (Balzers RES 010)
  • Electro-polishing machine Polimat
  • Hot press tool model 10 HS (Paul-Otto Weber Maschinen)


  • 1 Coherent Avia 266-3000 ns laser at 266nm
  • 1 Eximer Laser System XXL 248 nm (2x1.5 m2)
  • 1 Eximer Laser System XL 248 nm (40x40 cm2)
  • 1 Excimer Laser 193 nm
  • 1 Rofin-Lasag LFS150 OEM (1070 nm) with fiber optic / fiber heads
  • 1 SLS 200 C60 Pulsed Nd:YAG lasers 1064 nm
  • 1 Nd:YAG Laser (Modell GCR-230, Spectra-Physics)  (to be installed)
  • 1 C02 Laser (Modell Allmark 853-MS, Alltec) (to be installed)

Material characterization

  • hardness (Vickers, Brinell, etc…)
  • microhardness (1mN to 2 N)
  • Digidrop GMX (contact angle measurement)
  • Diffraction efficiency measurement set-ups ^
  • Polariscope for photoelasticity measurements


  • 1 SEM Zeiss DS 965 with EDX and EBSD
  • Software Crosscourt (strain-stress measurements)
  • 3 light microscopes (2 Axiomat and 1 Axioplan)
  • Confocal Keyence VK-8700
  • 2 Digital Holographic Microscopes with stroboscopic mode (1 DHM in transmission and 1 DHM in reflection)
  • Imageaccess
  • AnalySIS (digital imaging solutions)


  • High Temperature Vacuum Tribometer (Anton Paar Pin-on-Disk tribometer combined with a DHM)
  • SRV high frequency oscillating tribometer (SRV Optimol- Germany)
  • Home-made tribometer for back and force movement with in-situ optical measurements


White light optical profilometer Altiprob (Cotec- France)

Prof. Dr. Patrik Hoffmann
Head of laboratory

Phone: +41 58 765 6262