Publications 2020

Baldini, L.; Fumey, B. Seasonal energy flexibility through integration of liquid sorption storage in buildings. Energies 2020, 13 (11), 2944 (13 pp.).
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Boulouchos, K.; Brenzikofer, A.; Demiray, T.; von Euw, M.; Flamm, B.; Haselbacher, A.; Heer, P.; Hofer, M.; Lygeros, J.; Marinakis, D.; et al. ReMaP: Forschungsplattform für Multienergiesysteme. Aqua Gas 2020, 100 (9), 14-21.
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Bünning, F.; Huber, B.; Heer, P.; Aboudonia, A.; Lygeros, J. Experimental demonstration of data predictive control for energy optimization and thermal comfort in buildings. Energy Build. 2020, 211, 109792 (8 pp.).
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Bünning, F.; Warrington, J.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Frequency regulation with heat pumps using robust MPC with affine policies. In 21st IFAC World Congress 2020, presented at the 21st IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020; Findeisen, R., Hirche, S., Janschek, K., Mönnigmann, M., Eds.; IFAC-PapersOnline; Elsevier, 2020; Vol. 53, pp 13210-13215.
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Bünning, F.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Improved day ahead heating demand forecasting by online correction methods. Energy Build. 2020, 211, 109821 (13 pp.).
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Eggimann, S.; Usher, W.; Eyre, N.; Hall, J. W. How weather affects energy demand variability in the transition towards sustainable heating. Energy 2020, 195, 116947 (11 pp.).
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Eggimann, S.; Wagner, M.; Chen, T.; Ho, Y.; Schneider, U.; Orehounig, K. Sustainable urban densification potentials: a geospatial analysis of Swiss post-war neighbourhoods. In World sustainable built environment, presented at the WSBE 20 - World Sustainable Built Environment - Beyond2020, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2-4, 2020; Wallbaum, H., Hollberg, A., Thuvander, L., Femenias, P., Kurkowska, I., Mjornell, K., Fudge, C., Eds.; IOP conference series: earth and environmental science; IOP Publishing, 2020; Vol. 588, p 022040 (8 pp.).
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Fiorentini, M.; Ledo Gomis, L.; Chen, D.; Cooper, P. On the impact of internal gains and comfort band on the effectiveness of building thermal zoning. Energy Build. 2020, 225, 110320 (10 pp.).
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Fumey, B.; Baldini, L.; Borgschulte, A. Water transport in aqueous sodium hydroxide films for liquid sorption heat storage. Energy Technol. 2020, 8 (7), 2000187 (8 pp.).
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Gielen, D.; Chen, Y.; Schnyder, E.; Potter, J.; Yazdanie, M.; Marquant, J.; Hugenholtz, D.; Gilmanova, A. Auge de las energías renovables en las ciudades. Soluciones energéticas para el futuro urbano; Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables (IRENA): Abu Dhabi, 2020; 113 p.
Detailed Record
Gielen, D.; Chen, Y.; Schnyder, E.; Potter, J.; Yazdanie, M.; Marquant, J.; Hugenholtz, D.; Gilmanova, A. Rise of renewables in cities. Energy solutions for the urban future; International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Abu Dhabi, 2020; 113 p.
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Hohmann, M.; Warrington, J.; Lygeros, J. A moment and sum-of-squares extension of dual dynamic programming with application to nonlinear energy storage problems. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 2020, 283 (1), 16-32.
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Kim, M. K.; Baldini, L.; Leibundgut, H.; Wurzbacher, J. A. Evaluation of the humidity performance of a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture device as a novel ventilation strategy in buildings. Appl. Energy 2020, 259, 112869 (11 pp.).
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Malhotra, A.; Bischof, J.; Allan, J.; O’ Donnell, J.; Schwengler, T.; Benner, J.; Schweiger, G. A review on country specific data availability and acquisition techniques for city quarter information modelling for building energy analysis. In 8th conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria. Proceedings. BauSIM 2020, presented at the BauSIM 2020, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2020; Monsberger, M., Hopfe, C. J., Krüger, M., Passer, A., Eds.; Graz University of Technology: Graz, 2020; pp 543-549.
Detailed Record
Muriel, B.; Perera, A. T. D.; Hanmin, C.; Bollinger, A.; Orehounig, K. Improving energy sustainability of suburban areas by using distributed energy systems: a case study. In The first world energies forum - current and future energy issues, presented at the The first world energies forum, Basel, Switzerland, September 14 - October 5, 2020; Proceedings; MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, 2020; Vol. 58, p 7 (7 pp.).
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Murray, P.; Carmeliet, J.; Orehounig, K. Multi-objective optimisation of power-to-mobility in decentralised multi-energy systems. Energy 2020, 205, 117792 (15 pp.).
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Murray, P.; Marquant, J.; Niffeler, M.; Mavromatidis, G.; Orehounig, K. Optimal transformation strategies for buildings, neighbourhoods and districts to reach CO2 emission reduction targets. Energy Build. 2020, 207, 109569 (34 pp.).
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Nik, V. M.; Perera, A. T. D. The importance of developing climate-resilient pathways for energy transition and climate change adaptation. One Earth 2020, 3 (4), 423-424.
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Perera, A. T. D.; Wickramasinghe, P. U.; Nik, V. M.; Scartezzini, J. L. Introducing reinforcement learning to the energy system design process. Appl. Energy 2020, 262, 114580 (14 pp.).
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Perera, A. T. D.; Nik, V. M.; Chen, D.; Scartezzini, J. L.; Hong, T. Quantifying the impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on energy systems. Nat. Energy 2020, 5 (2), 150-159.
Detailed Record
Petry, J.; Holdener, M.; Sulzer, M.; Werlen, K. SHED Swiss Hub for Energy Data. Teil einer nationalen Energie-Dateninfrastruktur und Wegbereiter für Energiestrategie 2050, Klimaschutz und digitale Innovationen; Report No.: SI/501857-01; sine nomine: sine loco, 2020; 46 p.
Detailed Record
Serale, G.; Fiorentini, M.; Noussan, M. Development of algorithms for building energy efficiency. In Start-up creation. The smart eco-efficient built environment; Pacheco-Torgal, F., Rasmussen, E., Granqvist, C. G., Ivanov, V., Kaklauskas, A., Makonin, S., Eds.; Woodhead publishing series in civil and structural engineering; Elsevier: Cambridge; Kildington, 2020; pp 267-290.
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Sommer, T.; Sulzer, M.; Wetter, M.; Sotnikov, A.; Mennel, S.; Stettler, C. The reservoir network: a new network topology for district heating and cooling. Energy 2020, 199, 117418 (13 pp.).
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Streicher, K. N.; Allan, J.; Murray, P.; Bollinger, A.; Marcucci, A. Energy efficiency in buildings; Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling; Empa: sine loco, 2020; 30 p.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Knoeri, C.; Niffeler, M. Concept for next generation of technical energy regulations in buildings. In World sustainable built environment, presented at the WSBE 20 - World Sustainable Built Environment - Beyond2020, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2-4, 2020; Wallbaum, H., Hollberg, A., Thuvander, L., Femenias, P., Kurkowska, I., Mjornell, K., Fudge, C., Eds.; IOP conference series: earth and environmental science; IOP Publishing, 2020; Vol. 588, p 022022 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M. Energieeffizienz – best in class. In Suurstoffi - Eine Quartierentwicklung in Rotkreuz; Zug Estates AG, Ed.; Zug Estates AG: Zug, 2020; pp 156-157.
Detailed Record
Sulzer, M.; Orehounig, K.; Bollinger, A. Komplexität ist die neue Einfachheit. Wie Sektorenkopplung und Netzkonvergenz zu eleganten Lösungen führen. Aqua Gas 2020, 100 (9), 23-28.
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Sulzer, M. Paradigm shifts for the Swiss building sector to shape the future energy system; Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research: sine loco, 2020; 15 p.
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Wang, J.; Cai, H.; You, S.; Zong, Y.; Zhang, C.; Træholt, C. A framework for techno-economic assessment of demand-side power-to-heat solutions in low-temperature district heating. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. 2020, 122, 106096 (13 pp.).
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Wang, Z.; Perera, A. T. D. Integrated platform to design robust energy internet. Appl. Energy 2020, 269, 114942 (12 pp.).
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Xiao, C.; Khayatian, F.; Dall'O', G. Unsupervised learning for feature projection: extracting patterns from multidimensional building measurements. Energy Build. 2020, 224, 110228 (18 pp.).
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Zhou, X.; Carmeliet, J.; Sulzer, M.; Derome, D. Energy-efficient mitigation measures for improving indoor thermal comfort during heat waves. Appl. Energy 2020, 278, 115620 (13 pp.).
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