Publications 2022

Allan, J.; Croce, L.; Dott, R.; Georges, G.; Heer, P. Calculating the heat loss coefficients for performance modelling of seasonal ice thermal storage. J. Energy Storage 2022, 52, 104528 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Allan, J.; Eggimann, S.; Wagner, M.; Ho, Y. N.; Züger, M.; Schneider, U.; Orehounig, K. Operational and embodied emissions associated with urban neighbourhood densification strategies. Energy Build. 2022, 276, 112482 (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bordignon, S.; Quaggiotto, D.; Vivian, J.; Emmi, G.; De Carli, M.; Zarrella, A. A solar-assisted low-temperature district heating and cooling network coupled with a ground-source heat pump. Energy Convers. Manag. 2022, 267, 115838 (11 pp.).
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Borgschulte, A.; Terreni, J.; Fumey, B.; Sambalova, O.; Billeter, E. Short-lived interfaces in energy materials. Front. Energy Res. 2022, 9, 784082 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Brandi, S.; Fiorentini, M.; Capozzoli, A. Comparison of online and offline deep reinforcement learning with model predictive control for thermal energy management. Autom. Constr. 2022, 135, 104128 (15 pp.).
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Bünning, F.; Pfister, C.; Aboudonia, A.; Heer, P.; Lygeros, J. Comparing Machine Learning based methods to standard regression methods for MPC on a virtual testbed. In Proceedings of building simulation 2021: 17th conference of IBPSA, presented at the 17th IBPSA conference, Bruges, September 1-3, 2021; Saelens, D., Laverge, J., Boydens, W., Helsen, L., Eds.; Building simulation conference proceedings; International Building Performance Simulation Association: sine loco, 2022; Vol. 17, pp 127-134.
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Huber, B.; Schalbetter, A.; Aboudonia, A.; Hudoba de Badyn, M.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Physics-informed linear regression is competitive with two machine learning methods in residential building MPC. Appl. Energy 2022, 310, 118491 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Bünning, F.; Warrington, J.; Heer, P.; Smith, R. S.; Lygeros, J. Robust MPC with data-driven demand forecasting for frequency regulation with heat pumps. Control Eng. Pract. 2022, 122, 105101 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Chen, Y.; Yazdanie, M.; Zhou, C.; Li, W.; Xi, W.; Zhu, C.; Marquant, J.; Miorelli, F. Net zero pathways for cities: the case study of Wuzhong district, Suzhou, China; International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Abu Dhabi, 2022; 60 p.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Lian, Y.; Maddalena, E. T.; Shi, J.; Jones, C. N. Lessons learned from data-driven building control experiments: contrasting Gaussian process-based MPC, bilevel deePC, and deep reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on decision and control, presented at the 2022 IEEE 61st conference on decision and control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, December 6-9, 2022; IEEE, 2022; pp 1111-1117.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Near-optimal deep reinforcement learning policies from data for zone temperature control. In 2022 IEEE 17th international conference on control and automation (ICCA), presented at the 2022 IEEE 17th international conference on control and automation (ICCA), Naples, Italy, June 27-30, 2022; IEEE international conference on control and automation; IEEE: Piscataway, 2022; pp 698-703.
Detailed Record
Di Natale, L.; Svetozarevic, B.; Heer, P.; Jones, C. N. Physically consistent neural networks for building thermal modeling: theory and analysis. Appl. Energy 2022, 325, 119806 (17 pp.).
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Eggimann, S. Expanding urban green space with superblocks. Land Use Policy 2022, 117, 106111 (9 pp.).
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Eggimann, S.; Vulic, N.; Rüdisüli, M.; Mutschler, R.; Orehounig, K.; Sulzer, M. Spatiotemporal upscaling errors of building stock clustering for energy demand simulation. Energy Build. 2022, 258, 111844 (17 pp.).
Detailed Record
Eggimann, S. The potential of implementing superblocks for multifunctional street use in cities. Nat. Sustain. 2022, 5, 406-414.
Detailed Record
Fiorentini, M.; Vivian, J.; Heer, P.; Baldini, L. Design and optimal integration of seasonal borehole thermal energy storage in district heating and cooling networks. In CLIMA 2022. Eye on 2030. Towards digizalized, healthy, circular and energy efficient HVAC. Proceedings, presented at the CLIMA 2022. REHVA 14th HVAC world congress, Rotterdam, May 22-25, 2022; TU Delft OPEN: Delft, 2022; p (8 pp.).
Detailed Record
Fochesato, M.; Khayatian, F.; Fonseca Lima, D.; Nagy, Z. On the use of conditional TimeGAN to enhance the robustness of a reinforcement learning agent in the building domain. In BuildSys '22. The 9th ACM international conference on systems for energy-efficient buildings, cities, and transportation, presented at the BuildSys '22: the 9th ACM international conference on systems for energy-efficient buildings, cities, and transportation, Boston, MA,USA, November 9-10, 2022; Association for Computing Machinery: New York, 2022; pp 208-217.
Detailed Record
Fu, Y.; Zhou, T.; Lun, I.; Khayatian, F.; Deng, W.; Su, W. A data-driven approach for window opening predictions in non-air-conditioned buildings. Intell. Build. Int. 2022, 14 (3), 329-345.
Detailed Record
Fumey, B.; Borgschulte, A.; Stoller, S.; Fricker, R.; Knechtle, R.; Kaestner, A.; Trtik, P.; Baldini, L. Enhanced gas-liquid absorption through natural convection studied by neutron imaging. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 2022, 182, 121967 (11 pp.).
Detailed Record
Gautier, A.; Wetter, M.; Sulzer, M. Resilient cooling through geothermal district energy system. Appl. Energy 2022, 325, 119880 (17 pp.).
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Gupta, R.; Rüdisüli, M.; Patel, M. K.; Parra, D. Smart power-to-gas deployment strategies informed by spatially explicit cost and value models. Appl. Energy 2022, 327, 120015 (13 pp.).
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Hadengue, B.; Morgenroth, E.; Larsen, T. A.; Baldini, L. Performance and dynamics of active greywater heat recovery in buildings. Appl. Energy 2022, 305, 117677 (13 pp.).
Detailed Record
Heymann, F.; Rüdisüli, M.; vom Scheidt, F.; Camanho, A. S. Performance benchmarking of power-to-gas plants using composite indicators. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 2022, 47 (58), 24465-24480.
Detailed Record
Kessler, S.; Siegrist, G.; Sulzer, M.; Knoeri, C. Zero emission buildings in China. A Sino-Swiss collaboration for climate responsive building and district development. The Swiss decarbonization roadmap for 2050 and related policies for the building sector. 中国零碳建筑. 中瑞合作促进有利气候保护的建筑和社区发展. 瑞士2050年脱碳路径及建筑行业的相关政策; sine nomine: Zürich, 2022; 66 p.
Detailed Record
Koirala, B.; Mutschler, R.; Bartolini, A.; Bollinger, A.; Orehounig, K. Flexibility assessment of e-mobilty in multi-energy districts. In CIRED Porto workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, presented at the CIRED workshop on E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, Portugal, June 2-3, 2022; The Institution of Engineering and Technology: sine loco, 2022; Vol. CP798, p 367 (5 pp.).
Detailed Record
Lefebure, N.; Khosravi, M.; Hudobade Badyn, M.; Bünning, F.; Lygeros, J.; Jones, C.; Smith, R. S. Distributed model predictive control of buildings and energy hubs. Energy Build. 2022, 259, 111806 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Li, Q.; Vulic, N.; Orehounig, K. Optimization of PV installation angles for increased self-consumption in residential neighbourhoods. In Proceedings of ECOS 2022. 35th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, presented at the Proceedings of ECOS 2022. 35th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, Lyngby, July 3-7, 2022; Elmegaard, B., Sciubba, E., Blanco-Marigorta, A. M., Jensen, J. K., Markussen, W. B., Meesenburg, W., Arjomand Kermani, N., Zhu, T., Kofler, R., Eds.; DTU Construct, 2022; pp 1419-1430.
Detailed Record
Malhotra, A.; Bischof, J.; Nichersu, A.; Häfele, K. H.; Exenberger, J.; Sood, D.; Allan, J.; Frisch, J.; van Treeck, C.; O'Donnell, J.; et al. Information modelling for urban building energy simulation—a taxonomic review. Build. Environ. 2022, 208, 108552 (18 pp.).
Detailed Record
Marti, T.; Sulzer, M.; Rüdisüli, M.; et al., Energieversorgung der Schweiz bis 2050. Zusammenfassung von Ergebnissen und Grundlagen. Energiezukunft 2050; VSE: Aarau, 2022; 133 p.
Detailed Record
Marti, T.; Sulzer, M.; Rüdisüli, M.; et al., L'approvisionnement énergétique de la Suisse jusqu'en 2050. Synthèses des résultats et des bases. Avenir énergétique 2050; VSE: Aarau, 2022; 129 p.
Detailed Record
Mehmood, F.; Umar, M.; Dominguez, C.; Kazmi, H. The role of residential distributed energy resources in Pakistan's energy transition. Energy Policy 2022, 167, 113054 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Orehounig, K.; Fierz, L.; Allan, J.; Eggimann, S.; Vulic, N.; Bojarski, A. CESAR-P: a dynamic urban building energy simulation tool. J. Open Source Softw. 2022, 7 (78), 4261 (7 pp.).
Detailed Record
Perera, A. T. D.; Khayatian, F.; Eggimann, S.; Orehounig, K.; Halgamuge, S. Quantifying the climate and human-system-driven uncertainties in energy planning by using GANs. Appl. Energy 2022, 328, 120169 (12 pp.).
Detailed Record
Petkov, I.; Mavromatidis, G.; Knoeri, C.; Allan, J.; Hoffmann, V. H. MANGOret: an optimization framework for the long-term investment planning of building multi-energy system and envelope retrofits. Appl. Energy 2022, 314, 118901 (32 pp.).
Detailed Record
Prataviera, E.; Vivian, J.; Lombardo, G.; Zarrella, A. Evaluation of the impact of input uncertainty on urban building energy simulations using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Appl. Energy 2022, 311, 118691 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Rüdisüli, M.; Romano, E.; Eggimann, S.; Patel, M. K. Decarbonization strategies for Switzerland considering embedded greenhouse gas emissions in electricity imports. Energy Policy 2022, 162, 112794 (15 pp.).
Detailed Record
Rüdisüli, M.; Bach, C.; Bauer, C.; Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D.; Elber, U.; Georges, G.; Limpach, R.; Pareschi, G.; Kannan, R.; Teske, S. L. Prospective life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of electricity-based mobility options. Appl. Energy 2022, 306, 118065 (20 pp.).
Detailed Record
Silva, R.; Eggimann, S.; Fierz, L.; Fiorentini, M.; Orehounig, K.; Baldini, L. Opportunities for passive cooling to mitigate the impact of climate change in Switzerland. Build. Environ. 2022, 208, 108574 (19 pp.).
Detailed Record
Sommer, T.; Sotnikov, A.; Sulzer, M.; Scholz, V.; Mischler, S.; Rismanchi, B.; Gjoka, K.; Mennel, S. Hydrothermal challenges in low-temperature networks with distributed heat pumps. Energy 2022, 257, 124527 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Svetozarevic, B.; Baumann, C.; Muntwiler, S.; Di Natale, L.; Zeilinger, M. N.; Heer, P. Data-driven control of room temperature and bidirectional EV charging using deep reinforcement learning: simulations and experiments. Appl. Energy 2022, 307, 118127 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vivian, J.; Croci, L.; Zarrella, A. Experimental tests on the performance of an economic model predictive control system in a lightweight building. Appl. Therm. Eng. 2022, 213, 118693 (14 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vivian, J.; Chinello, M.; Zarrella, A.; De Carli, M. Investigation on individual and collective PV self-consumption for a fifth generation district heating network. Energies 2022, 15 (3), 1022 (16 pp.).
Detailed Record
Vulic, N.; Sulzer, M.; Rüdisüli, M.; Orehounig, K. Role of temporary thermostat adjustments as a fast, low-cost measure in reducing energy imports. Environ. Res. Commun. 2022, 4 (12), 121007 (9 pp.).
Detailed Record
Xu, W.; Jones, C. N.; Svetozarevic, B.; Laughman, C. R.; Chakrabarty, A. VABO: violation-aware Bayesian optimization for closed-loop control performance optimization with unmodeled constraints. In American Control Conference, presented at the 2022 American control conference (ACC), Atlanta, June 8-10, 2022; American control conference (ACC); IEEE: sine loco, 2022; pp 5288-5293.
Detailed Record