

  • Dioxin Symposium, Otto Hutzinger Student Award - Oscar Mendo Diaz
  • Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich (Travel Grant) - Oscar Mendo Diaz
  • LightChEC  (Travel Grant) - Filippo Longo
  • Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry - Best Student Presentation - Oscar Mendo Diaz



  • Dioxin 2022 Travel Award - Charlotte Driesen
  • SVT-Funds for Promotion of Young Talents (Travel Grant) - Charlotte Driesen
  • Otto Hutzinger Student Presentation Award Dioxin 2022 - Charlotte Driesen
  • Poster Award CHanalysis - Di Qu



  • Runner-up Award for the Best Virtual Poster at the SCS Fall Meeting 2021 - Marine Nikolic



  • CMSZH Travel Grant sponsored by Sigma Aldrich - Billeter Emanuel
  • Runner-up Award for the Best Virtual Poster at the SCS Fall Meeting 2020 - Driesen Charlotte



  • LightChEC Travel Award 2019 - Billeter Emanuel
  • The Power List 2019 for Analytical Science. World Ranking of Top 100 in the field of analytical chemistry.  - Bleiner Davide
  • DAS Young Analytical Scientist Travel Award - Driesen Charlotte
  • Diplompreis des Schweizerischen Verbands diplomierter Chemiker FH (SVC) - Knobloch Marco
  • Award for the Best Talk in the Retreat of the CMSZH Graduate School - Terreni Jasmin



  • Award for the Best Oral Presentation at the Empa PhD Student's Symposium - Driesen Charlotte
  • Award for the Best Poster Presentation (Runnerup, Analytical Sciences) at the SCS Fall Meeting 2018 - Driesen Charlotte
  • Swiss Aerosol Award - Muñoz Fernández María
  • Trojan Horse Award at the 22nd ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles - Muñoz Fernández, María
  • DAS Young Scientist Travel Award - Schinkel Lena
  • Hutzinger Student Award at the DIOXIN Symposia - Schinkel Lena
  • Poster Prize, 15. Doktorandentag UZH - Terreni Jasmin



  • Poster Award at the 21st ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles - Durdina Lukas
  • Titania Award of Old Fellows of Students organization for his bachelor thesis entitled "Massensprometrische Analyse von abiotischen und biotischen Transformationsprodukten der Chlorparaffine" - Knobloch Marco
  • SCNAT and SCS Chemistry Travel Award - Schinkel Lena
  • SGMS Travel Grant - Schinkel Lena


  • 2nd Poster Prize SAOG 2016 in Fribourg - Sambalova Olga



  • Gewinner Projektkurs UK3 Eawag - Bachmann Julian
  • Otto-Hutzinger Award at the DIOXIN Symposia - Diefenbacher Pascal
  • Best Poster Award at the 19th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles - Heeb Norbert
  • Best Poster Award at the CCMX Annual Meeting- Hess Adrian



  • Otto Hutzinger Award at the DIOXIN Symposia - Diefenbacher Pascal
  • Best Poster Award at the 18th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles - Durdina Lukas


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