News 2008
Sep 17, 2008 | Monitoring broken bones without using electronics
Generally, after bones suffer a complicated fracture, special implants are used to hold them in the right position to allow them to grow together again correctly. Together with the ETH Zurich, Empa staff have developed a...
11.09.2008 | Neue Analysenmethode für toxisches Chrom
In den 1970er-Jahren wurden Stahlbauten wie Leitungsmasten und Brücken häufig mit schwermetallhaltigen Grundierungen gegen Korrosion geschützt. Durch Abwitterung oder unsachgemässe Sanierung setzen diese jedoch unter...
10.09.2008 | 4. NanoPubli in St. Gallen
«Was neu ist, macht oft Angst. Darum ist es wichtig, der Öffentlichkeit neue Technologien wie die Nanotechnologie verständlich zu erklären», sagt Andreas Wälchi, Student am Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung (ZbW) in...
Sep 3, 2008 | First International Conference on Nanotoxicology
How safe is Nanotechnology? Scientists from 29 countries hope to get closer to the answer at the “Nanotox 2008” conference to be held at ETH Zurich from 7th to 10th September. This is the biggest international conference...
2 sept. 2008 | «Innovation Day» à lEmpa pour la branche du textile
Les ressources des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) sont souvent trop faibles pour qu’elles puissent posséder leur propre département de développement qui leur permette de lancer des produits innovateurs sur le...
Aug 27, 2008 | Using Empa life cycle analyses to identify the low emission meeting
It is easy to forget that everyday office life with its business travel, conferences and meetings has a massive effect on the environment. Environmentally aware entrepreneurs will sooner or later ask themselves if they...
Aug 26, 2008 | Facades
For many years, fingers have been pointed at agriculture whenever pesticides are detected in rivers and streams. Studies carried out by Eawag and Empa now show that built-up areas also account for a considerable...
Jul 29, 2008 | Discussions regarding scientific cooperation with Columbia in the fields of e-Waste and bio-fuels
No trace of the diplomatic ill-feeling between Columbia and Switzerland rumoured in recent times in the press: the Columbian Ambassador to Switzerland, Claudia Jiménez, visited Empa in St. Gallen on 11th July – and...
Showing 17 to 24 of 48 entries.