News 2010

Jun 17, 2010 | Process for manufacturing nanoelectronic “mini-circuits” developed
The tale begins with a feasibility study on the manufacture of colored fluorescing thin films for optical safety applications. An EU project on the development of novel gas sensors followed. In the meantime, Empa...
Jun 8, 2010 | Empa Science Apéro devoted to «the King of Sports»
For months now players and teams have been preparing intensely for the World Cup through physical and mental training, and analysis of opponents’ tactics. However, a footballer’s “working clothes” also play an important...
04.06.2010 | Nano! Nutzen und Visionen einer neuen Technologie
Nanoprodukte sind dabei, zahlreiche Marktsegmente zu erobern. Wie bei allen neuen Technologien stellt sich die Frage: Welche Risiken birgt «Nano»? Ist es etwa gesundheitlich bedenklich, Produkte mit Nanopartikeln zu...
Jun 3, 2010 | 43rd Science Apéro on Earthquake Security in Switzerland
Although the risk of a severe earthquake occurring in Switzerland is regarded as being only moderately probable, history shows that the possibility exists. What is more – very few buildings in this country are built in a...