News 2012
Dec 20, 2012 | EmpaNews 39 published
Industrialized countries face two problems: noise and airborne pollution. Empa researchers use facilities such as comprehensive 3D computer models and simulations to detect noise sources. The resulting noise maps then...
Dec 18, 2012 | TREASORES EU research project led by Empa
The EU research project, “TREASORES”, got under way on 1 November. The 14 project partners will receive some nine million euros over the next three years for the development of favourably priced production technologies...
14.12.2012 | Empa-Innovationspreis 2012 verliehen
Bereits zum 6. Mal verlieh die Empa kürzlich ihren mit 5000 Franken dotierten Innovationspreis. Die Preisträger - ein Team der Abteilung «Gebäudetechnologien» - Thomas Stahl, Samuel Brunner, Mark Zimmermann und Matthias...
Dec 8, 2012 | HITTEC from waste heat to electricity
To convert waste heat from solid oxide fuel cells into electricity is the goal of the “HITTEC” project. Researchers from Empa, in a strategic partnership with Hexis AG, are developing a thermoelectric converter to make...
Showing 1 to 4 of 51 entries.