News 2012

Sep 24, 2012 | Textile pressure ulcer prevention
Immobile patients are in constant danger of developing pressure ulcers on the skin. Empa, Schoeller Medical and the Swiss Paraplegic Centre have worked together to develop a special sheet that is gentle on the skin and...
Sep 23, 2012 | New data on the biofuel ecobalance
First tops, then flops. That is one way of summing up the history of biofuels so far. A new study led by Empa gives an up-to-date picture of the ecobalance of various biofuels and their production processes. Only a few...
Sep 21, 2012 | VELUX FOUNDATION supports Empa research
All over the world the concept of artificial photosynthesis –the conversion of solar energy into a chemical energy storage medium such as hydrogen – is currently a hot research topic. The process involves the use of...
14.09.2012 | ETH-Bereich nennt Forschungsthemen für Energiewende
Der politisch beschlossene Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie und die Klimaziele der Schweiz erfordern einen grundlegenden Umbau des Schweizer Energiesystems. An der Empa werden deshalb zwei Forschungs- und...