News 2012

Aug 30, 2012 | EU-Project with Empa participation trumps the competition
The “Winsmart” project convinced the EU experts. They judged the application for funding submitted by Empa researcher Matthias Koebel for the project – the development of "intelligent" windows for the buildings of...
Aug 20, 2012 | New aerogel-based plaster provides better insulation
Old buildings are beautiful – and hard to insulate. Empa and the Swiss render manufacturer Fixit AG together developed a new Aerogel-based plaster that provides twice the insulation of currently used insulating renders....
13.08.2012 | Beitrag im «Wirtschaftsmagazin»
Spitzenforschung und zahlreiche bahnbrechende Entwicklungen haben die Schweiz bekannt gemacht. Als kleines, rohstoffarmes Land steht die Schweiz im globalen Wettbewerb, sie muss ihre Stärken nutzen und sich künftigen...
Aug 6, 2012 | Risk re-classified for carcinogenic everyday substance
Since June 2012, it is official: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified diesel soot as a lung carcinogen. Artur Braun, a physicist at Empa and an X-ray spectroscopy expert, has made crucial contributions to...