News 2015

Apr 30, 2015 | Techtextil Innovation Award 2015
A team of Empa scientists has, together with industrial partners, developed a novel chest strap device for the long-term monitoring of patients with heart and circulatory problems. What is special about the new system is...
Apr 21, 2015 | Medical engineering
Thanks to a collaboration with the Balgrist University Hospital and University of Pittsburgh, Empa is beginning to decode the mechanics of the lower vertebrae. Researchers would like be able to reveal how wear and tear...
Apr 15, 2015 | EmpaNews 48 published
Some say that back pain is the price we pay for walking upright. Others claim that the problem only really started when humankind sat down to reflect and contemplate. Thanks to a collaboration with the University of...
07.04.2015 | «ONE TWO WE»-Klimaschutzprogramm läuft weiter
Seit 2013 ist die Empa Partner des Klimaschutzprogramms «ONE TWO WE» der Gemeinschaftsgastro-nomie SV Group und der Umweltorganisation WWF Schweiz. Dank verschiedener Massnahmen ist der CO2-Ausstoss des...