2nd Aerogel Industry - Academia Forum
31 May - 2 June, 2023 (In-person only)
The aerogel world is undergoing rapid development. On the industry side, new players are entering the market. New aerogel producers, including start-ups but also established materials manufacturers, introduce their products, fight for market share, or aim to develop new applications and markets. In the meantime, traditional manufacturers are also innovating. Silica aerogel remains the important product, but polymer and biopolymer aerogels are becoming available as well. Other companies focus on developing process technologies or aerogel based product development. On the academic side, there has been a veritable explosion of research into understanding traditional aerogel materials and applications, as well as new aerogel materials combinations, new precursors and sustainable raw materials, new aerogel synthesis routes and new potential applications.
This event aims at strengthening and extending your network, and presents you with the opportunity to introduce your products and services to the aerogel community through talks, posters or booths. You will learn more about state-of-the-art research and developments on aerogels, as well as on product standardization, LCA, toxicological evaluation, and about European research funding programs.
More information can be found on the flyer which can be downloaded here
Abstract submission
The template can be found here, please send in your abstract to
Deadline: 15 April 2023
Registration information will follow soon.